Learning Apache Spark with Python
1. Preface
2. Why Spark with Python ?
3. Configure Running Platform
4. An Introduction to Apache Spark
5. Programming with RDDs
6. Statistics and Linear Algebra Preliminaries
7. Data Exploration
8. Data Manipulation: Features
9. Regression
10. Regularization
11. Classification
12. Clustering
13. RFM Analysis
14. Text Mining
15. Social Network Analysis
16. ALS: Stock Portfolio Recommendations
17. Monte Carlo Simulation
18. Markov Chain Monte Carlo
19. Neural Network
20. Automation for Cloudera Distribution Hadoop
21. Wrap PySpark Package
22. PySpark Data Audit Library
23. Zeppelin to jupyter notebook
24. My Cheat Sheet
25. JDBC Connection
26. Databricks Tips
27. PySpark API
28. Main Reference
Learning Apache Spark with Python
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